“Drinking In” Cocktail Book: PDF Format

There is no shortage of beverage recipes available to those who would seek them out, but never before have so many event-tested recipes from actual event bar professionals been curated together in one place. The recipes you’ll find in these pages have been provided by over 50 mobile bar owners from around the world, and have been taste-tested — not by professionals — but by hundreds, if not thousands of event attendees—proving that your opinion is the one that truly matters. Our desire to keep serving cocktails—even if we aren’t doing the shaking—produced the idea for this book. The recipes included in this book are proven crowd-pleasers and are guaranteed to be as delicious when produced one at a time, as when batched to produce many.
Pull it out for a fun evening nightcap, or a boozy brunch with friends. Use it for birthday parties, graduations, and romantic nights in. This book is for you—a user’s manual for what to drink when it’s time to drink in life’s most drinkable moments!
