The 3 Things Your Mobile Bar Social Media Strategy MUST Accomplish

Some people are naturals at social media strategy, and some (like myself) need to have the expectations broken down for them clearly and concisely.

That means you’re not going to just drop me on Instagram or TikTok and watch me turn into an overnight sensation. It actually wasn’t until someone shared with me the three main things your social media strategy must be accomplishing, otherwise you’re just wasting your time.

1. It has to help your ideal clients KNOW you more.

There are a number of things your clients want to know about you. They want to know the kind of company you are, the things you offer, how you operate, but perhaps most importantly, how you fit into their ideal version of their lives.

Those that find you on social media are essentially looking to know how you can add to their lives. Are you making them laugh? Inspiring them? Providing bomb cocktail recipes? Do you just pretty up their feed? Whatever it is, when they hit up your profile, they need to be able to determine (know) exactly what you’re offering up.

This is why it’s important to have a profile that is clear about who you are as a company and what you offer, as well as provide a consistent look at your company and what you are offering to the world.

2. It has to help your ideal clients LIKE you.

You don’t have to resonate with everyone that finds you online, but you MUST resonate with your ideal client. If your idea client are wealthy socialites, then figure out what feeds they follow and then offer them similar content in a way that stays true to your authentic voice, but offers them a clear understanding of why they would like you if they like this other feed. Example: If your ideal client reads Southern Living, then make sure you’re posting photos of things that would resonate with Southern Living readers. Think large estate houses, flowering vines, pies, etc.

3. It has to help your ideal clients TRUST you.

Show your potential clients how much you can be trusted by demonstrating your expertise. Great ways to do this is to share with them things you know about event bars that they may not already know. Share recipes, tips, pictures of you looking awesome at other events, etc.

Also, ensure you have a phone number, website, and Facebook page listed so they know you’re a legit company and not just a hobbyist with a pretty bar and/or or a shaker.

Share blog posts you’ve written, client testimonials, behind the scene looks at what it actually looks like to plan, prep, setup, breakdown, etc for an event to reinforce for them that you know what you’re doing.

Now that you’re aware of the three main goals that each and every share should aim to accomplish, go through your social media and identify which each post aims to accomplish. Do you have some that don’t do well at any of the three? Did you manage to inadvertently nail this formula without knowing? How do you think you do overall with building an engaged following that knows, likes, and trusts you?